The Grapevine Alcoholics Anonymous

aa grapevine getting thru holidays sober

Moments when friends ask why you’re not indulging in the spiked eggnog, or insist that you participate in a champagne-fueled toast on New Year’s Eve. My daughter called me one day to ask the age-old question, “Is this all there is? ” She was 28 years old and married to her handsome prince.

aa grapevine getting thru holidays sober

Alanon Teaches Hope

aa grapevine getting thru holidays sober

It was written by the first editor of the Grapevine, using portions of the Foreword to the first edition of the Big Book. The Preamble was quickly adopted, and today it is an integral part of the format of many AA meetings. In the spring of 1944, six members of AA – four women and two men – got together in an apartment in New York City and considered the idea of publishing a local AA newsletter. A newsletter was exactly what was needed in those early days of AA, when the Fellowship was only nine years old and still finding its way. New groups were being formed, new meeting formats were being tried out, and new ways of twelfth, stepping were being debated.

  • With others, self-care, and having fun in recovery will be addressed.
  • This program got its start in 1951 by a woman named Lois Wilson.
  • Learn how to create community for marginalized groups.
  • The Preamble was quickly adopted, and today it is an integral part of the format of many AA meetings.

How to Stay Sober During the Holidays

aa grapevine getting thru holidays sober

Taking time to meditate, get some exercise, practice a favorite hobby, or even just catch your breath can go a long way. TO STRENGTHEN INDIVIDUAL SOBRIETY – Readers often use the Grapevine as a sober holidays portable meeting, taking it with them when they travel or commute to work. The magazine is a meeting in print on vacations, business or family trips, and during illness, when live meetings are not always available.

  • The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need.
  • Concerns about current issues -the roles of old-timers and young people, crossaddiction, special interest groups, and the effect of treatment centers – are also aired.
  • Keep your AA telephone list with you all the time.
  • The material on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a qualified health care provider.
  • If your loved one is in AA , then consider taking part in the Alanon program.

Featured Articles

Whether it’s frying up latkes for Hanukkah, or crafting Christmas ornaments around the fireplace, there are many holiday traditions that don’t require a buzz. Consider playing board games, watching holiday movies, or taking a stroll to gaze at the beautiful lights. The bottom line is that a sober holiday is much more achievable when the added stress is brought down to a minimum. Sometimes we get caught up in how we have always celebrated the holidays. Let’s not forget the usual holiday stress from shopping, decorating, baking, expenses, family dynamics, etc. It can be tempting to have “just one drink” to take the edge off.

If you are committed to sober holidays one of the best ways to minimize stress in the moment is to practice your response ahead of time. The Grapevine has continued to mark significant happenings as the Fellowship has matured and settled in. Since the January 1949 issue, the magazine has been known as “the international monthly journal of Alcoholics Anonymous,” and all the International Conventions have been chronicled in its pages. The Around AA section brings Grapevine readers up to date on each year’s General Service Conference and other news of interest to the Fellowship as a whole.


aa grapevine getting thru holidays sober

The June 1985 issue marked AA’s 50th anniversary, with articles devoted to AA history and the state of AA around the world. In 2000, the magazine described the International Convention in Minneapolis, which celebrated the 65th anniversary of the program. Bill also suggested that the Grapevine should not publish any pieces on politics or religion, should not carry outside advertising, and should engage in no propaganda concerning outside causes.

aa grapevine getting thru holidays sober

  • Try downloading one of these five mindfulness apps, or simply try meditating for at least five minutes per day.
  • I was still drinking when I came to my first meeting.
  • New groups were being formed, new meeting formats were being tried out, and new ways of twelfth, stepping were being debated.
  • In other words, the primary purpose of the magazine – like that of individual members – was to carry the AA message to alcoholics and to practice the AA principles in all its affairs.

The program offers peace of mind and stress relieving tactics for people who are living with alcoholics. Being an alcoholic and going through treatment can be a difficult journey, but so can being the spouse of someone getting treatment. Often, the sober family members are disregarded, when in fact they are going through a battle of their own. A FORUM FOR NEWS AND DIFFERENT VIEWPOINTS – Matters of importance to AA as a whole – for example, Conference Actions and international AA activities – are reported in the magazine.